بِسْمِ اللّهِ الرَّحْمـَنِ الرَّحِيمِ

وَقُلِ اعْمَلُواْ فَسَيَرَى اللّهُ عَمَلَكُمْ وَرَسُولُهُ وَالْمُؤْمِنُونَ وَسَتُرَدُّونَ إِلَى عَالِمِ الْغَيْبِ وَالشَّهَادَةِ فَيُنَبِّئُكُم بِمَا كُنتُمْ تَعْمَلُونَ

And say: "Work (righteousness): Soon will Allah observe your work, and His Messenger, and the Believers: Soon will ye be brought back to the knower of what is hidden and what is open: then will He show you the truth of all that ye did." 9:105
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Wednesday, June 9, 2010

AIW Board of Directors Communiqué
June 6, 2010

American Islamic Waqf (AIW)

Board of Directors Communiqué

June 6, 2010

Dear NOOR Community Members:

Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatu Allah Wabarakatu

This is the second correspondence sent on behalf of the newly appointed Board of Directors ("BOD") of the American Islamic Waqf ("AIW"). We hope that this correspondence finds you and your family in the best of health and happiness, inshallah.

The BOD met at length on Friday, June 4, 2010. This correspondence is meant to update the community on the most pressing issues discussed at that meeting. These issues include: i) the matter regarding missing funds; ii) the status of founder BOD member Br. Amgad Saleh; and iii) the status of the air conditioning at the Masjid.

1. The Matter Regarding Missing Funds

This matter was discussed extensively at the most recent BOD meeting. Based upon the evidence presented, which included a financial report from the accounting firm that reviewed transactions between AIW and Silver Development & Construction, Ltd., the BOD has determined that there is no evidence of missing funds and that the previous AIW treasurer was not engaged in any behavior intended to defraud the organization.

2. The Status of Br. Amgad Saleh

Br. Amgad Saleh officially resigned as a member of the BOD at the June 4, 2010 BOD meeting. Br. Saleh served as a member of the BOD since AIW's inception, and the BOD would like to take this opportunity to thank Br. Saleh for his leadership and contribution during every stage of Masjid Noor's development. Without Br. Saleh's shared vision with the original BOD members, the Masjid that we have all come to love and endear would not exist. Br. Saleh has graciously agreed to serve as an honorary advisor to the BOD, as his institutional insight is invaluable to the newly appointed BOD.

3. Status of Air Conditioning

The BOD has been working very diligently to identify and schedule contractors to repair the air conditioning system at NICC for the last 2 weeks. As of Monday, Jun 7, 2010, the unit was repaired and is functioning normally. Br. Saad Bargout has been instrumental in helping rectify the issue and the BOD wishes to thank him for his efforts.


  1. So obviously, Br. Hany, the "greatest imam" was committing slander against br khalid and his family in his hunger of power. How can someone who swares on the Quran that he never accused Br. Khalid of stealing and then is caught in writing lead the muslim community? How is a br. who is caught lying fit to lead us in prayer.

  2. Well wisher of Noor CommunityJune 9, 2010 at 5:38 AM

    After all the disruption and bad feeling and disunity caused by ONE man for the past year - who is "the greatest imam of North America" we need to have justice and accountability.

    To unjustly accuse and slander your fellow brother for your own personal goals of power and control is not the quality of an "Imam" the "Muslim" community needs.

    Br Hany Saqr needs to stand up and face the allegations.

    The community should demand justice on behalf of the Br Khaled Farag.

    If we do not, we are all held responsible as a community that justice and fairness did not happen. That is a serious failing. Allah overlooks and forgives many things but once a community fails to provide justice and fairness the community will be replaced.

  3. Br. Hany, and this unknown Br. Saleh are dirty men, they hurt br. khalid, hes reputation, his family, and the community all because of a disagreement. I was blind before but now i see that for the past years hany has been trying to out khaled for his own gains, and when the former board members disagreed with him, he fired them.

    Brother Saleh, thank you for your service to the community in the past, but i need to ask why are you even involved here in columbus. You come to my home city and with your sidekick hany start fires and rumors and lies, please stay in chicago and start your lies and chaos there, i hope brother hany will follow.

    to anyone in the community if you fear your god, you should voice your opinion openly to these manipulative power hungry men, and personally apologize to the Farag family for the harm and shame that was put on them falsely.

    for too long have the community sat by and let emotions overrule logic, for all of you who sat and did nothing, myself included, you and i are cowards and must repent for the harm we caused upon a man who has devoted so much of his time for the mosque WITHOUT pay, he could be working or even spending time with his family, who also were hurt.

    Brother hany, be a man, be a muslim, fear your god and face the damage you caused with your chicago sidekick.

  4. Takbeer on Br. Khaled being exonerated!!! Its about time this dirty deceiver Hani Saqr gets his due. The new board needs to kick his but out immediately and Khalid needs to sue him and the Chicago side kick for slander. Let justice be done!!!

  5. new board keep up the good work, 1 down 1 to go.

  6. A previous poster writes: “Takbeer on Br. Khaled being exonerated!!! Its about time this dirty deceiver Hani Saqr gets his due. The new board needs to kick his but out immediately and Khalid needs to sue him and the Chicago side kick for slander. Let justice be done!!!”

    It’s high time to show Hany the door. Let’s not get carried away, however. We may never know what really happened or did not happen. Hany was simply not able to prove his allegation, not necessarily because Khaled did nothing wrong but because Khaled may have been able to cook the accounting books and hide his tracks. You would have be quite naïve to believe that Khaled would leave incriminating evidence in the financial records that he kept and had complete control over. This is not to suggest that Khaled did anything wrong, and it would be unfair to claim otherwise. I am simply stating that because AIW/NICC was loosely managed and controlled, we may never be able to uncover the truth of what really happened and did not happen. It is sad, but Khaled bears a portion of the blame for bringing this cloud of suspicion upon himself.

  7. The job of the new BOD is to try to calm things down so that the community can unite and move on. So they may not tell us everything less the wounds keep bleeding.

    NICC is paying for a $1.6M loan when the amount received was only 1.2M. These are not proper financial transactions. All three original BOD members have their hands into this.

    It is not 1 down 1 to go as the previous post stated.. It is 2 down 1 to go.

    I just can't see how Hani can stay as a BOD member by appointing himself and expect to gain the respect of the community. He is having such a hard time to relinquish his power. The BOD should help him do that by a quick vote. Otherwise the community will not respect this BOD. Hani must go!!!

  8. “The Matter Regarding Missing Funds

    This matter was discussed extensively at the most recent BOD meeting. Based upon the evidence presented, which included a financial report from the accounting firm that reviewed transactions between AIW and Silver Development & Construction, Ltd., the BOD has determined that there is no evidence of missing funds and that the previous AIW treasurer was not engaged in any behavior intended to defraud the organization.”

    The above would be funny, if it was not so sad. It provides further evidence of how incompetent both the previous and current BODs are. Did the current BOD really expect to find evidence in the transactions between AIW and Silver Development, when the accused (Khaled) was both the Treasure and Secretary of AIW and President and CEO of Silver Development?! Are you so naïve as to believe that Khaled, assuming he did anything wrong, would leave a record of that for you to find? Was this “accounting firm” made aware of the glaring conflict of interest? Why waste money on such a useless inquiry? Khaled is out, and the task now is to force Hani out and start a new chapter.

  9. Long-time Columbus residentJune 9, 2010 at 10:12 AM

    Throughout my life in Columbus, I have yet to see Dr. Saqr take responsibility for a mistake he did. I have never seen him apologize, show regret, or even retract from an unethical position he has taken. It is all about his EGO!

    And now, if the BOD try to fire him, he will use what is left of his credibility in the community to cause another fitnah.

    Just see how much damage he caused Dr. Farag, and how many people still believe him no matter how big of a liar he proved to be.

    A man who lies and slanders is NOT worthy of being called imam. God help us all if our imams are like that.

    Who should we look up to???

  10. For those NAIVE souls still fooled BELIEVING Hani has never lied or slandered.


    He told court he would work with current board and bring peace; lie #1

    He swore on Quran he would resign if Khalid resigned; lie #2

    He said Khalid was a thief to many community members; lie #3 and slander #1

    He said there was a missing 100K last Ramadan lie #4 slander #2

    In the 1st board meeting with Khalid he said Khalid wrote himself a 300k check, lie #5 slander #3

    He said Allaideen requested 85k for director position; lie #6 slander #4

    In a recent community meeting he said Amjad was a founder of Sunrise Academy; lie #7

    He said voting for new board members was "absolutely allowed" in the community meeting months ago; lie #8

    He said he has never lied in his life; lie #9

    He allowed himself to be praised as "Greatest Imam in America"; lie #10

    He denied ever telling people that khaled was a thief; lie #11


  11. I believe Dr. Hani is still a great Imam. I believe he is still telling the truth about money missing from the Idd collection. I believe Hani over Khaled.
    Khalid just smart enough to play dumb. We know him and we know Hani. I have a hard time believing new BOD did not find anything. I am surprised in one meeting, all evidence was investigated and decided "Khaled is innocent" I have a hard time accepting it.

  12. (14) It is of the adab of the high path of Islam to be honest when one speaks. The Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) said, “Honesty certainly leads to goodness, and goodness leads to paradise. Truly, a man keeps speaking the truth until he is inscribed as being true through and through. And lying leads to going wrong, and going wrong leads to hell. Truly, a man lies and lies until he is inscribed as being a liar through and through” (Muslim, 4.2012–13: 2607. S).

    (15) It is of the adab of the high path of Islam to completely abandon and shun guile, deceit, scornfulness, or sarcasm because these are unlawful. Allah Most High says, “O you who believe, let no men scorn other men, for they might well be better than they are. And let no women scorn other women, for they might well be better than they. And do not find fault with one another, or give each other insulting nicknames” (Qur’an 49:11). And Allah Most High says, “Woe to whoever demeans others behind their back or to their face” (Qur’an 104:1). And the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) said, “Let there be no harming another, or harming him back. Whoever harms another Allah shall harm, and whoever gives trouble to another Allah shall give trouble to” (Hakim, 2.58. Hg).

    (16) It is of the adab of the high path of Islam to abandon lying, for it is unlawful. Allah Most High curses liars by saying, “May liars be slain” (Qur’an 51:10), in which slain means “cursed” according to the Arabic idiom likening the accursed, who loses every good and happiness, to the slain, who loses life and every blessing. The Qur’anic exegete al-Khazin notes that “May liars be cursed” originally referred to those who sat on the various roads outside Mecca warning people against the words of the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) to keep them from becoming Muslim. The verse, however, like other Qur’anic verses, is not limited to the original circumstances in which it was revealed, but applies universally, to the end of time. Those who lie, except in circumstances in which Sacred Law permits it, are cursed by Allah.

  13. I hope the person who wrote "I believe Dr. Hani is still a great Imam. I believe he is still telling the truth about money missing from the Idd collection. I believe Hani over Khaled." will write again and explain what he/she is alleging. This is a new revelation?

    The accusation made by Hany Saqr and Amgad Saleh against Dr. Farag during the board meeting when he was fired recently was about a $300,000 cashier check paid to his construction company. The new board found no truth to this story.

    Eid money missing??

  14. maybe its the $400,000 (40,000 cars x $10). Khalid should give this money back right away, 2 more eids and we can pay the loan in full.

  15. Once again,


    If you are dumb enough to not accept this than please go reevaluate your IQ because you are obviously dimwitted with flawed logic, if someone is found innocent by the magistrate and the BOD either they are all in on it..or HANY lied, please stop spreading more lies, if you want to go to chicago with your lying freinds and your greatest imam and spread your rumors. The only person who should even be considered stealing money is Hany, he is actually getting paid to work at the masjid, how can the masjids best interest be at heart if there is a profit from being promoted?


  16. @ "maybe its the $400,000 (40,000 cars x $10). Khalid should give this money back right away, 2 more eids and we can pay the loan in full."

    I think it is funny some people belive that one man can outsmart an entire staff dedicated to the mosque, there is no way khaled actually took money, dont you think people would notice if there were 0 dollars collected in a eid. Think before you post.

    Also if there was eid money missing, that was not the money Hany said was missing, it was construction check, from the minutes and what is going around it was all accusations of Silver and AIW transactions, not money that is already in the Masjid.

    I think that i need to point out that Silver Development and AIW are both companies/organizations that are owned/overseen by a family in the UAE. The same family that donated the land that the masjid was built on. I hope this helps you rethink any allegations, because he does not pay him self from silver, he is still working under a mother company and gets paid by them.

    I doubt this family who have been friends with the Farag family for many years would appreciate what the masjid is going through especially because the masjid is built on land they donated.

  17. The previous poster writes: "I think that i need to point out that Silver Development and AIW are both companies/organizations that are owned/overseen by a family in the UAE."

    It appears you are misinformed or out to mislead. AI Limited (not AIW) is indeed owned by the Abbasi family and Farag is their appointed agent. Silver Development (the mosque builder) is owned by Farag. Don't take my word for it. A quick check of the records at the secretary of state web site would confirm this.


    As everyone knows, the court case had nothing to do with the allegation of theft against Farag. The case pertained to the restraining order against Hani and nothing more.

    “If you are dumb enough to not accept this than please go reevaluate your IQ because you are obviously dimwitted with flawed logic,”

    I am not going to defend him, but with all due respect (whoever you are), it is your logic that is flawed. The absence of evidence is not the same as evidence of absence. If you see someone stealing money or are robbed at gun point, but you are not able to prove it in court, does that mean that the criminal is innocent? When a person is acquitted in a court of law, that does not necessarily *prove* that they are innocent. The fact that OJ Simpson was acquitted, for example, does mean that he was “proved” to be innocent. It simply means that based on the evidence (or lack thereof) that the state presented, the jurors were not able to find him guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. The presumption, not proof, of his innocence therefore stands. Suspicion is not proof of guilt and acquittal is not proof of innocence.

    In this particular case, Farag had control over both organization, and assuming he did something wrong, he could have and would have easily cooked the books so as to hide any trace of wrong doing. Anyone looking at those records would simply find nothing to support the allegation of theft, and someone (like Saqr) making an accusation would not be able to produce concrete evidence to support that allegation. Again, I am not suggesting that Farag did anything wrong. All I am saying is that we may never know what really happened, and the fact that he cannot completely clear his name is partly his fault.

    “ if someone is found innocent by the magistrate and the BOD either they are all in on it..or HANY lied,”

    It is certainly possible that the accusation is completely fabricated and that Hany is simply lying. There is another possibility that cannot be ruled out, however: The BOD failed in their monitoring role and had blindly trusted Farag with AIW finances and the books, despite the clear conflict of interest, allowing him to completely hide his tracks. Accordingly, Hany's allegation may be true (there is cerainly grounds to be suspecious), but there is no way for him or anyone to prove it.

    The bottom line is that we may never get to the bottom of this, and it is partly the fault of the entire community for acquiescing and placing blind trust in three unaccountable self-appointed each with a veto power over the future of the organization, and for not insisting on fundamental organizational reforms long time ago. There is a valuable lesson there, one that I hope this community has now finally learned.

  19. WARNING:

    If Hany Saqr is allowed to remain as a member of the BOD the fitnah in the community will never end.

    There will NO UNITY or PEACE.

    Falsehood has many disguises. The community will not move forward unless he is removed.


  20. Until the Muslim community unites and isn't silent or passive when it comes to justice and the unity of the community - Hany Saqr will stay put.

    Problem is the Muslim Community does not have the high ethics, the will power or the ability to peacefully organize and change the course of the situation at NICC.

    We all love our personal lives and luxury too much, to stand up for truth.

  21. @ "It appears you are misinformed or out to mislead. AI Limited (not AIW) is indeed owned by the Abbasi family and Farag is their appointed agent. Silver Development (the mosque builder) is owned by Farag. Don't take my word for it. A quick check of the records at the secretary of state web site would confirm this."

    I think you are misinformed, I happen to know 100% that AIW and Silver (Khaled's Company) are both under the Abbasi Family umbrella. There is a reason why his company built it and the transactions between the two companies go so smoothly. He may be the CEO but Abbasi family is the head of operations, so there is no conflict of interest hany is just a liar.

  22. Previously I wrote: "It appears you are misinformed or out to mislead. AI Limited (not AIW) is indeed owned by the Abbasi family and Farag is their appointed agent. Silver Development (the mosque builder) is owned by Farag. Don't take my word for it. A quick check of the records at the secretary of state web site would confirm this."

    The commentator to whom I was responding, then wrote: “I think you are misinformed, I happen to know 100% that AIW and Silver (Khaled's Company) are both under the Abbasi Family umbrella. There is a reason why his company built it and the transactions between the two companies go so smoothly. He may be the CEO but Abbasi family is the head of operations, so there is no conflict of interest hany is just a liar.”
    I trust the business filings (go check them out at the Secretary of State web site) over your silly “100%” belief. Reasonable people when confronted with facts that are at odd with their fantasies, revise their baseless beliefs. You, on the other hand, prefer to live in the lala land of ignorance. Be my guest, but do not expect to be taken seriously.

    Since you appear to be so dimwitted to realize the clear conflict of interest, I will give you a hint: As the Treasurer and Secretary of AIW/NICC, Khalid was in a position to decide on how much to pay himself as the owner of Silver Development, the builder of the Mosque.

    After all that has happened, one would think that people would learn. With suckers like you, howevers, it is no wonder that charlatans like Khalid, Hani, and Amgad would take this community for a ride.

  23. I think many people are still confused. American Islamic Waqf "AIW" is Masjid Al Noor, Khaled does not own it, and neither does the Abassi family, as a matter of fact Khalid was just fired as its secretary by Amjad and Hani. If he were the owner as has been claimed could he be fired by Amjad? So do not say "I happen to know 100% that AIW and Silver (Khaled's Company) are both under the Abbasi Family umbrella."

    That is pretty silly.

    The Abbassi family own Abassi International, Limited also known as "AI, Limited" they also own Silver Development, the construction company. They do not own American Islamic Waqf which is "AIW" this is the Masjid Al Noor. The secretary of states site only shows who the agent is, not the owner. The only way to determine the owner is to look at the tax returns. So please do not confuse people.

  24. The previous commentator writes: “The Abbassi family own Abassi International, Limited also known as "AI, Limited" they also own Silver Development, the construction company. They do not own American Islamic Waqf which is "AIW" this is the Masjid Al Noor. The secretary of states site only shows who the agent is, not the owner. The only way to determine the owner is to look at the tax returns. So please do not confuse people.”

    Other than blind faith, what is the basis of your claim that the Abbassi family owns Silver Development? You are clearly confused and too lazy to check those records yourself. The business filings at the Secretary of State’s web site show more than who the agent is. Again, go check the business filings at the Secretary of State’s web site. Those records clearly show that Silver Development is owned by Farag.

    By making baseless claims, it is you who is confused or out to confuse people. Since it seems so difficult for you to do the checking yourself, I present you with two Exhibits. First, check page 6 on this document:


    and then check page 3 on this:


    Farag is the appointed agent for both entities. However, notice that Farag is indicated as the “majority member”/ controlling owner of Silver Development, while the Abbasi family is indicated as the “majority member”/owners of AI Limited. If the Abassis owned Silver Development, you would see their names and signatures on the agent appointment document.

  25. After looking in to these 2 links, I am pretty convinced that Khaled Farag is a Majority member. Thus have a total control over all transaction.

  26. It seems that you are still confused, the websites you posted actually contradict your claims. Please re-read page 5 all of the owners are clearly listed, none of which are Khaled Farag.

    I can relist all ELEVEN owners but that would be redundant. I think you misunderstood page 7. It does not say that Khaled Farg is the majority owner (this would contradict page 5).

    All it says is that the majority of members, ie OWNERS, have appointed Khaled Farag as the statutory agent. They even re-signed below giving proof of their appointment making Farag the agent.

    Being the agent does not make you the OWNER! Please re read your own post and what is contained on the website links, you will understand that Farag is only appointed as the agent.

    If you still do not understand what you are reading and believe in some big conspiracy, then at least call the Secretary of State and have them explain to you the meaning of "The Undersigned, being at least majority of the members of AI limited, hereby APPOINT, Khaled A. Farag to be AGENT."

    The majority members in this sentence refers to the UNDERSIGNED, meaning the eleven Abassi signing UNDER.

    Maybe English is not your first language, I can understand why you are confused by the words UNDERSIGNED ... MAJORITY MEMBERS, but it does not refer to Farag.

  27. "You wrote above "However, notice that Farag is indicated as the “majority member”/ controlling owner of Silver Development"

    It does not show anywhere that Farag is the owner, if you look at where he signed on the Silver docs, it says under (authorized member, MANAGER or REPRESENTATIVE) it does not say he is the owner. He could sign as the MANAGER or REPRESENTATIVE, which is what he has always claimed to be!

  28. "If you still do not understand what you are reading and believe in some big conspiracy, then at least call the Secretary of State and have them explain to you the meaning of "The Undersigned, being at least majority of the members of AI limited, hereby APPOINT, Khaled A. Farag to be AGENT."

    The majority members in this sentence refers to the UNDERSIGNED, meaning the eleven Abassi signing UNDER.

    Maybe English is not your first language, I can understand why you are confused by the words UNDERSIGNED ... MAJORITY MEMBERS, but it does not refer to Farag."

    You obviously cannot read. In your haste, you focused on the filing for AI Limited. Now, go back and check the filing for Silver Development.

  29. "It does not show anywhere that Farag is the owner, if you look at where he signed on the Silver docs, it says under (authorized member, MANAGER or REPRESENTATIVE) it does not say he is the owner. He could sign as the MANAGER or REPRESENTATIVE, which is what he has always claimed to be!"

    You are looking at the "Articles of Incorporation". The regulations require that "All of the incorporators must sign the articles of incorporation, and a majority of the same incorporators must sign
    the original appointment of statutory agent. (ORC 1701.04 and 1701.07)", and "An original appointment of agent form must be signed by at least a majority of the incorporators of the corporation
    1701.07 (B), 1702.06(B). These signatures must be the same as the signatures on the articles of incorporation." Farag is the sole incorporator (i.e., owner) of Silver Development. He also appointed himself as the statutary agent.

    Now, contrast that with the articles of incoproration for AI Limited. There the incorporators are the Abbasi family.

  30. "Maybe English is not your first language, I can understand why you are confused"

    May be English IS your first language, and I can understand why you are confused: you need to learn how to read.

  31. Again you are WRONG, the statute you cited does not state anywhere that the OWNER of the corporation has to sign the initial articles.

    It only states that a statutory agent must be appointed and that written appointment of an agent must be signed by the "INCORPORATORS" of the corporation or a majority of them and a written acceptance of the appointment that is signed by the agent."

    For your information the INCORPORATOR does not have to be a shareholder or OWNER, it does not even have to be a real person.

    If you doubt this than get online and check any of the many companies that offer incorporation services for individuals such as Legalzoom, Bizfilings, etc.

    I have personally opened numerous companies and I am no where on the articles. Just the lawyer or company I had set up the corporation signed and were appointed agents. If you provide me your email, I will send you several different Articles of Incorporation which do not show who the owner is, just the co or attorney that set up the corporation, and statutory agent, which is all the law requires.

    Furthermore, under "Frequently asked questions" you will find:

    "I Wish To Contact A Company. Can You Give Me The Owners' Or Officers' Names?

    The Secretary of State does NOT list the OWNERS or officers of any of the various types of companies registered. We do record the Statutory Agent`s name and address. You can search for a company by the name or its Charter/Registration Number. You may also view or print the image of the document field that may show the information."


    "Do You List Corporation Ownership?

    No, this information is not recorded with our office."


    "2. Is the incorporator the OWNER of the corporation?
    Not necessarily. An incorporator does not have to be a shareholder of the corporation being incorporated, nor is the incorporator required to become a shareholder in the future."

    Thus, any agent of the owner can sign the articles, be the INCORPORATOR, etc. Without being an OWNER as Khaled Farag did for the Abassi family for Silver Development.

    The SOS does not even know who the owners are as they have clearly stated on their site they do not keep that info. So if they don't know how can you possibly know from looking at their site?

    This is not a matter of opinion!

  32. an objective thinkerJune 16, 2010 at 3:42 PM

    The brother above is simply confused about the term incorporator, which is obviously not equivalent to owner. The 2 are not the same, as he said "Farag is the sole incorporator (i.e., owner) of Silver Development."

    I think the Secretary of State is clear that they do not keep the owner information and that the incorporator is not necessarily the owner.

    No one can assess ownership from the articles of Incorporation, unless it is an addition to the articles.

  33. Your last point is well-taken. “Incorporator” does not necessarily imply “owner”. It could, you would have to admit, and so your claim that Farag is not the owner is not supported either. That being said, I am more inclined to believe that he is the sole owner, given the absence of any indication that Silver is owned by the Abbassi family, in stark contrast with the filings for AI Limited. But even if he was not the owner of Silver Development, he ran and still runs it as President and CEO, and so the two point I was trying to make earlier stands:

    First, Farag was simultaneously the Treasurer and Secretary of AIW, the organization that owns NICC, and the President and CEO of Silver Development, the entity that built NICC. If this is not a clear case of conflict of interest, I do not know what is, and one cannot help but to wonder why Farag (and Saqr too) evidently chose to do nothing to address that. Not that I have any evidence that he/they misused or embezzled donated NICC funds, but by their own actions/inactions, they created plenty of room for suspicion.

    Second, it is completely futile to examine the records of transactions between AIW and Silver Development for evidence of fraud or misappropriation of NICC funds. None will be found. You would have be quite naïve to believe that Farag would leave incriminating evidence in the financial records that he kept and had complete control over. This is not to suggest that Farag (acting alone or in collusion with Hany) did anything wrong, and it would be unfair to claim otherwise without clear evidence. I am simply stating that because AIW/NICC was loosely managed and controlled, we may never be able to uncover the truth of what really happened and did not happen.

  34. All 11 Members and Their Emails

    Members of the Board of Directors of AIW

    1.Hany Saqr, Chief Manipulator: saqrhany@yahoo.com
    2.Adil Katabay, Chairman: akatabay@hotmail.com
    3.Mohammad Arif, Treasurer: mohammad1954@yahoo.com
    4.Jamal Sadoun, Secretary: jamal@sadoun.com
    5.Abdulrahman Ahmed: somaleg@gmail.com
    6.Abukar Arman: abukar_arman@yahoo.com
    7.Saad Barghout: s.barghout@yahoo.com
    8.Rehan Chawdry: rchawdry@yahoo.com
    9.Asim Haque: asimzhaque@gmail.com
    10.Inam Khokhar: drinamus@gmail.com
    11.Jamal Naiyer: jnaiyer@hotmail.com
